
We receive support through referral fees from the advertisers featured on this website, and we do not provide information about every advertiser or available offer. Unless otherwise stated in our Terms of Use, we disclaim all representations and warranties regarding the information displayed on this page. The information, including pricing, on this site is subject to change at any time.

Our primary goal in creating this website is to provide transparent and unbiased personal loan reviews. We take pride in our approach, which ensures a balanced and trustworthy perspective. Our writers begin with specific objectives, guided by motivations that influence their writing, along with thorough research that highlights the advantages and disadvantages of loan companies' services. Our aim is to present an accurate and insightful overview for both customers and potential clients, offering information to help you make informed decisions.

Beyond reviews, we delve into personal loans from various angles, conducting comprehensive research. We not only feature products but also provide guidance on what to look for, saving you time and money in finding the right product for your needs.

What Is an Affiliate Link?

When we review a personal loan product or website, our goal is to provide you with essential information. This involves presenting both positive and critical aspects of the service. The pros and cons of a product form the core of our reviews, helping you differentiate between various personal loan products. In a competitive market, not every product suits every purpose, and our site aims to showcase different personal loan providers and financing options. We include links to the products for you to explore further. These links, known as affiliate links, track referrals, and if you make a booking or purchase through them, we earn a commission. This mutually beneficial arrangement allows us to fund the site, compensating our writers and contributors involved in the personal loan review process.

Following Guidelines:

We adhere to the Federal Trade Commission's guidelines on affiliation and links, which were first issued in 2009 and are regularly updated. We monitor these guidelines to adapt our approach and writing practices accordingly. Our commitment is to provide honest opinions and avoid using language that encourages clicks on misleading links. These guidelines are designed to protect you, the customer and reader, aligning with our mission to offer information that enables you to make unbiased decisions regarding personal loans, financing, and refinancing options.

Compensation Disclosure:

This page, particularly the compensation disclosure section, has been created to ensure transparency in our relationships with service or product providers. We aim to inform you about the connections between reviewers and product owners, aligning with our transparency policy. While we strive to simplify your decision-making process, we always recommend conducting thorough research to ensure your satisfaction with your purchase decision. It's a legal requirement for this website's owner to disclose these relationships.

Material Connection:

Most mentions of services or products on this website stem from pre-existing relationships between both parties. Our reviews are crafted by writers who have either researched or personally tested the products or services. It should be assumed that there is an affiliation between the two parties if the website recommends a product. Recommendations made on this website are done in good faith, and there is a material connection between the website and the product owner.

Product/Service Partiality And Fairness:

When producing reviews or articles, our aim is to avoid bias and provide informed, honest opinions. While we approach products critically, we also strive to present a positive perspective due to the material affiliation between the website and the product owner. We want to emphasize that this affiliation benefits both parties, involving a commission. If this presents any concerns, we encourage you to consider your own research to form your own conclusions.

Compensation for Reviews:

The website owner may receive compensation in the form of services, products, or money as part of this process. If you choose to purchase a service or product based on our website's recommendation and click on an affiliate link, the website owner may receive compensation.

Compensation Disclosure Statement:

This statement aims to provide complete clarity regarding our operation. There is no intent to deceive. We strive to offer impartial reviews that are as fair as possible. The material connection between the website owner and the product website owner affects the reviews' tone, which may not be entirely unbiased. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to contact us. We maintain a robust privacy policy that applies to our website users, reviewers, and product owners.